Discovering the true beauty of the universe is simple :

try to look at it from the right angle!

ZURVAN art project

From concept to reality !

The art shared by Shahryar Shafiei (ZURVAN) reflects his imagination come to life, thanks to mathematic and geometric technical methods. Found out more about the History ...


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Titan is a polyhexaram wooden sculpture that was designed with Zurvan's personal method of stringing (three-dimensional threads and animated visual). Order


Consciousness is a 3D string art which was designed with Zurvan's personal method of stringing (three-dimensional threads and animated visual). Order


Legolas was Zurvan's first attempt for designing a 3-dimensional sculpture with 2-dimensional String art. Order


System D is a wooden sculpture that includes 3 circles, 2 ovals and 8 wooden pieces which were designed with Zurvan's personal method of stringing (3D threads and animated visual) and the suspended method. Shop

Zendan (prison of ideas)

Zendan is Zurvan's first attempt to invite another method of stringing with pottery. Shop


Animus is Zurvan's first 3D string art. It opened his mind into creating his special method of stringing (3-dimentional threads and animated visual). Shop

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